
Jeg har tre bøger om Germanium som jeg låner ud. Bøgerne er på tysk.

1. Organisches Germanium - Eine Hoffnung für viele kranke skrevet af von Kazuhiko Asai

2. Germanium - Für eine bessere Gesundheit und ein längeres Leben skrevet af Dr. phil Sandra Goddman

3. Organisches Germanium - Die lichte Brücke zum ICH skrevet af Riedel/Heerd 

I disse bøger kan du finde mere viden:

Aso H, et al. Mikrobiologie und Immunologie 1985 29 (1) :65-74.
Nakada Y, et al. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 1993;. 55 (5) :795-799
Suzuki F, et al. British Journal of Cancer 1985; 52 (5) :757-763.
Suzuki F, et al Anti-Krebs-Forschung 1985. 5 (5) :479-483
Suzuki F. Journal of Interferon Forschung 1984 4 (2) :223-233.
Suzuki F. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1985 12 (11) :2122-2128.
Suzuki F, et al Anti-Krebs-Forschung 1986. 6 (2) :177-182-
Suzuki F. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1987;. 14 (1) :127-134-
Fujita H, Seto Y. Pharmacometrics 1990. 39 (4) :385-388-
Aso H, et al. Journal of Biological Response-Modifikatoren 1989;. 8 (2) :180-189
Fujita H, et al. Pharmacometrics 1990. 39 (4) :389-395
Kumano N, et al. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 1985;. 146 (1) :97-104-
Kobayashi H, et al. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1986. 13 (8) :2588-2593
Chen F, Q. Zhang Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi 1995. 29 (1) :13-17-
Song-WS. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi 1993;. 27 (5) :286-289
Ming X, et al. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 1996;. 34 (4) :221-223-
Ikemoto K, et al Experientia 1996; 15 (52) :159-166.
Mainwaring MG, et al. Chest 2000;. 117:591-593
Masaki Y, et al. Transplanatation Proceedings 1989; 21:1250-1251.
Wakabayashi Y. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2001;. 65 (8) :1893-1896
Yang MK, Kim YG. Journal für Toxikologie und Umweltmedizin 1999 12 (58) :289-297.
Unakar NJ, et al. Strom Eye Research 1997;. 16 (8) :832-837
CC Ho, et al. Pharmacology 1990; 41:286-291
Fujii A, et al. Allgemeine Pharmakologie 1993;. 24 (6) :1527-1532
NNFA Heute, 16.01 Uhr, 2002
van der Spoel JI et al. The Lancet 1990;. 336:117
Raisin J, et al. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1992;. 122 (1-2) :11-13-
Omata M, et al. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers BV, 1986: 15-20.
Entwickelt Nutritional Products Analysenmethode Archive (auf Anfrage erhältlich).
Krapf R, et al. Nephron 1992. 62:351-356
Luck BE, et al. Nephrologie Dialyse Transplantation 1999 (14) :2464-2468.
Takeuchi A, et al. Nephron 1992. 60:436-442
Okuda K, et al. Klinische Nephrologie 1989;. 31:219-224
Schauss AG. Renal Failure 1991. 13 (1) :1-4-
Okuda S, et al. Aktuelle Therapieforschung 1987;. 41:265-275
Matsusaka T, et al. Klinische Nephrologie 1988. 30. (6 - 1988) :341-345
Sanai T, Okuda S, Onoyama K, et al. Nephron 1990. 54:53-60
Tao SH, Bolger Uhr. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 1997;. 25 (3) :211-219
Schauss A, G. Biologische Spurenelementforschung 1991. 29 (3) :267-280
Sanai T, Okuda S, et al. Kidney International 1991. 40:882-890
Wut F, et al. Angewandte Metallorganische Chemie 1992. 6 (3) :267-272
Obara K, Saito T, Sato H, et al. Japanese Journal of Medicine 1991;. 30:67-72
Miyao K, et al. Washington, DC: American Society of Microbiology, 1980:. 1527-1529
Gerber GB, Leonard A. Mutation Research 1997; 387 (3) :141-146.
Ishida et al. US-Patent 1984 # 4473581.
Proc 11. Int. Cong., Chemother. 19801527-1529.
Fisher Scientific North Carolina Katalog; Calcium Carbonate MSDS.
Sigma Chemical MSDS Datenbank.
Expertengruppe für Vitamine und Mineralstoffe Sekretariat Bewertung von Chromium Januar 2000.
Import Alert-IA # 54-07 Germanium Produkte Revision 1995.

1. Massey P. Dietary supplements. Medical Clinics of North America 2002;86:127-147.
2. Maskarinec G, Murphy S, Shumay DM, Kakai H. Dietary changes among cancer survivors. Eur J Cancer Care 2001;10:12-20.
3. Gerber GB, Leonard A. Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenicity of germanium compounds. Mutation Research 1997;387(3):141-146.
4. Jao S-W, Lee W, Ho Y-S. Effect of germanium on 1, 2-dimethylhydrazine-induced intestinal cancer in rats. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1990;33:99-104.
5. Sato I, Yuan BD, Nishimura T, Tanaka N. Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in association with modification of immune response by novel organic germanium compounds. Journal of Biological Response Modifiers 1985;4(2):159-168.
6. Komuro T, Kakimoto N, Katayama T, Hazato T. Inhibitory effects of Ge-132 (carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide) derivatives on enkephalin-degrading enzymes. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 1986;8(5):379-386.
7. Miyao K, Onishi T, Asai K, Tomizawa S, Suzuki F. Toxicology and Phase I studies on a novel organogermanium compound, Ge-132. In: Nelson JD, Grassi C, eds. Current Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases. Washington, D.C.: American Society of Microbiology, 1980: 1527-1529.
8. Fujita H, Seto Y. Antiviral activity of 3-oxygermylpropionic acid polymer (SK-818). Pharmacometrics 1990;39(4):385-388.
9. Asano K, Yamano M, Haruyama K, et al. Influence of propagermanium (SK-818) on chemically induced renal lesions in rats. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences 1994;19:131-143.
10. Hess B, Raisin J, Zimmermann A, et al. Tubulointerstitial nephropathy persisting 20 months after discontinuation of chronic intake of germanium lactate citrate. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 1993;21:548-552.
11. Krapf R, Schaffner T, Iten PX. Abuse of germanium associated with fatal lactic acidosis. Nephron 1992;62:351-356.
12. Luck BE, Mann H, Melzer H, Dunemann L, Begerow J. Renal and other organ failure caused by germanium intoxication. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 1999(14):2464-2468.
13. Schauss AG. Nephrotoxicity in humans by the ultratrace element germanium. Renal Failure 1991;13(1):1-4.
14. Okuda S, Kiyama S, Oh Y, et al. Persistent renal dysfunction induced by chronic intake of germanium-containing compounds. Current Therapeutic Research 1987;41:265-275.
15. Matsusaka T, Fujii M, Nakano T, et al. Germanium-induced nephropathy: report of two cases and review of the literature. Clinical Nephrology 1988;30(6 - 1988):341-345.
16. Sanai T, Okuda S, Onoyama K, et al. Germanium dioxide-induced nephropathy: A new type of renal disease. Nephron 1990;54:53-60.
17. Tao SH, Bolger PM. Hazard assessment of germanium supplements. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 1997;25(3):211-219.
18. Takeuchi A, Yoshizawa N, Oshima S, et al. Nephrotoxicity of germanium compounds: Report of a case and review of the literature. Nephron 1992;60:436-442.
19. Schauss A, G. Nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity in humans from organogermanium compounds and germanium dioxide. Biological Trace Element Research 1991;29(3):267-280.
20. Anger F, Anger JP, Guillou L, Papillon A. Subchronic oral toxicity (six months) of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide in rats. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 1992;6(3):267-272.
21. van der Spoel JI, Sticker BHC, Esseveld MR, Schipper MEI. Dangers of dietary germanium supplements. The Lancet 1990;336:117.
22. Raisin J, Hess B, M. B, et al. Toxicity of an organic germanium compound: deleterious consequences of a "natural remedy". Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1992;122(1-2):11-13.
23. Omata M, Kikuchi M, Higuchi C, et al. Durg-induced nephropathy: Our recent clinical experience. In: Tanabe T, Hook JB, Endow H, eds. Nephrotixicity of Antibiotics and Immunosuppressants. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1986: 15-20.
24. Okada K, Okagawa K, Kawakami K, et al. Renal failure caused by long-term use of a germanium preparation as an elixir. Clinical Nephrology 1989;31:219-224.
25. Taylor A, Dickson F, Dobrota M. Effects of germanium health supplements in the rat. Clinical Chemistry 1991;37(6):985.
26. Nagata N, Yoneyama T, Yanagida K. Accumulation of germanium in the tissues of a long-term user of germanium preparation dead of acute renal failure. J Toxicol Sci 1985;10:333-341.
27. Obara K, Saito T, Sato H, et al. Germanium poisoning: Clinical symptoms and renal damage caused by long-term intake of germanium. Japanese Journal of Medicine 1991;30:67-72.
28. Shinogi M, Masaki T, Mori I. Determination and biokinetics of germanium in mouse tissues by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. J Trace Elem Electrolytes Health Dis 1989;3:25-28
29. Sanai T, Onoyama K, Osato S, et al. Dose dependency of germanium dioxide-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Nephron 1991;57(3):349-354.
30. Sanai T, Okuda S, Onoyama K, et al. Chronic tubulointerstitial changes induced by germanium dioxide in comparison with carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide. Kidney International 1991;40:882-890.
31. Masaki Y, Kumano K, Iwamura M, et al. Protective effect of an organic germanium compound on warm ischemia and prolonged kidney preservation. Transplanatation Proceedings 1989;21:1250-1251.
32. Wakabayashi Y. Effect of germanium-132 on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and atherosclerosis in Kurosawa and Kusanagi hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 2001;65(8):1893-1896.
33. Yang MK, Kim YG. Protective role of germanium-132 against paraquat-induced oxidative stress in the livers of senescence-accelerated mice. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 1999;12(58):289-297.
34. Unakar NJ, Tsui J, Johnson M. Effect of pretreatment of germanium-132 on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and galactose cataracts. Current Eye Research 1997;16(8):832-837.
35. Fujii A, Kuboyama N, Yamane J, Nakao S, Furukawa Y. Effect of organic germanium compound (Ge-132) on experimental osteoporosis in rats. General Pharmacology 1993;24(6):1527-1532.
36. Fujita H, Kurono M, Toyoshima S. Effect of 3-oxygermylpropionic acid polymer (SK-818) on the incidence of spontaneous leukemia in AKR mice. Pharmacometrics 1990;39(4):389-395.
37. Aso H, Suzuki F, Ebina T, Ishida N. Antiviral activity of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) in mice infected with influenza virus. Journal of Biological Response Modifiers 1989;8(2):180-189.
38. Aso H, Shibuya E, Suzuki F, et al. Antitumor effect in mice of an organic germanium compound (Ge-132) when different administration methods are used. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1985;12(12):2345-2351.
39. Kumano N, Ishikawa T, Koinumaru S, et al. Antitumor effect of the organogermanium compound Ge-132 on the Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) in C57BL/6 (B6) mice. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 1985;146(1):97-104.
40. Kobayashi H, Komuro T, Furue H. Effect of combination immunochemotherapy with an organogermanium compound, Ge-132, and antitumor agents on C57BL/6 mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL). Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1986;13(8):2588-2593.
41. Chen F, Zhang Q. Inhibitive effects of spirulina on aberrant crypts in colon induced by dimethylhydrazine. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi 1995;29(1):13-17.
42. Song WS. Experimental study on prevention of the colorectal cancer by China medical stone and the organogermanium compound. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi 1993;27(5):286-289.
43. Jang JJ, Cho KJ, Lee YS, Bae JH. Modifying responses of allyl sulfide, indole-3-carbinol and germanium in a rat multi-organ carcinogenesis model. Carcinogenesis 1991;4:691-695.
44. Ono M, Oka T, Yoshihara H, et al. Effect of NK-421 (bestatin) and Ge-132 on the cytotoxicity of spleen cells obtained from the tumor-bearing mice. Gan To Kangaku Ryoho 1982;9(10):1771-1777.
45. Aso H, Suzuki F, Yamaguchi T, Hayashi Y, Ebina T, Ishida N. Induction of interferon and activation of NK cells and macrophages in mice by oral administration of Ge-132, an organic germanium compound. Microbiology and Immunology 1985;29(1):65-74.
46. Nakada Y, Kosaka T, Kuwabara M, Tanaka S, Sato K, Koide F. Effects of 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) as an immunological modifier of post-surgical immunosuppression in dogs. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 1993;55(5):795-799.
47. Suzuki F, Brutkiewicz RR, Pollard RB. Ability of sera from mice treated with Ge-132, an organic germanium compound, to inhibit experimental murine ascites tumours. British Journal of Cancer 1985;52(5):757-763.
48. Suzuki F, Brutkiewicz RR, Pollard RB. Importance ot T-cells and macrophages in the antitumor activity of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132). Anticancer Research 1985;5(5):479-483.
49. Suzuki F, Pollard RB. Prevention of suppressed interferon gamma production in thermally injured mice by administration of a novel organogermanium compound, Ge-132. Journal of Interferon Research 1984;4(2):223-233.
50. Suzuki F. Suppression of tumor growth by peritoneal macrophages isolated from mice treated with carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132). Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1985;12(11):2122-2128.
51. Suzuki F, Brutkiewicz RR, Pollard RB. Cooperation of lymphokine(s) and macrophages in expression of antitumor activity of carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132). Anticancer Research 1986;6(2):177-182.
52. Suzuki F. Antitumor mechanisms of carboxyethyl-germanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) in mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumors. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1987;14(1):127-134.
53. Ming X, Yin H, Zhu Z. Effect of dietary selenium and germanium on the precancerous lesion in rat glandular stomach induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 1996;34(4):221-223.
54. Ikemoto K, Kobayashi M, Fukimoto T, Morimatsu M, Pollard RB, Suzuki F. 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide, a synthetic organogermanium compound, as an inducer of contrasuppressor T cells. Experientia 1996;15(52):159-166.
55. Sato I, Nishimura T, Kakimoto N, Suzuki H, Tanaka N. Prevention of pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma and activation of murine macrophages by a novel organic germanium compound, PCAGeS. Biological Response Modifiers 1988;7(1):1-5.
56. Tanaka N, Ohida J, Ono M, et al. Augmentation of NK activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes of cancer patients by intermittent Ge-132 administration. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 1984;11(6):1303-1306.
57. Mainwaring MG, Poor C, Zander DS, Harman E. Complete remission of pulmonary spindle cell carcinoma after treatment with oral germanium sesquioxide. Chest 2000;117:591-593.
58. Saiers JH, Slavik M, Stephens RL, Crawford ED. Therapy for advanced renal cell cancer with spirogermanium: A Southwest Oncology Group study. Cancer Treatment Reports 1987;71(2):207-208.
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63. Ettinger DS, Finkelstein DM, Donehower RC, et al. Phase II study of N-methylformamide, spirogermanium, and 4-demethoxydaunorubicin in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (EST 3583): An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group study. Med Pediatr Oncol 1989;17(3):197-201.
64. Vogelzang NJ, Gesme DH, Kennedy BJ. A phase II study of spirogermanium in advanced human malignancy. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 1985;8(4):341-344
65. McMaster M, Greco F, Johnson D, Hainsworth J. An evaluation of combination 5-fluorouracil and spirogermanium in the treatment of advanced colorectal carcinoma. Investigational New Drugs 1990;8:87-92.
66. Mirabelli C, Badger A, Sung C, et al. Pharmacological activities of spirogermanium and other structurally related azaspiranes: Effects on tumor cell and macrophage functions. Anticancer Drug Design 1989;3:231-242.
67. Import Alert IA #54-07. Germanium Products Rev. September 13, 1995.

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